D3 Visualizations



D3.js (or just D3 for Data-Driven Documents) is a JavaScript library for producing dynamic, interactive data visualizations in web browsers.

API Reference — wordcloud 1.6.0.post1+g8217e20 documentation

Relationship Visualization | 十二月咖啡馆工作室

D3 Gallery (2490 examples)

D3 word cloud layout circle and rectangular

An Example of Word Cloud with Mask – Eduardo Andrade – Medium

Colors Interpolation - bl.ocks.org

Learn JS Data: Data processing in JavaScript

d3 grouping and filtering - bl.ocks.org

line chart with dropdown selector - bl.ocks.org


Interactive, drop-down selection choropleth - bl.ocks.org

Over 1000 D3.js Examples and Demos | TechSlides

Zoomable Treemap Template - bl.ocks.org




Creating the Earth with D3.js | Marc Neuwirth's Blog

D3 in Depth

Tutorials d3/d3 Wiki GitHub

Building Great Web Maps: A D3.js Tutorial | Toptal

GitHub - maptimeBoston/d3-maptime: Intro to mapping with D3 for Maptime Boston


Stacked Area Chart - NVD3

Python-nvd3 Documentation! — python-nvd3 0.14.2 documentation

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