


Water Story/News - WaterBug

Vijvers zijn grote vervuilers, maar je kunt er zelf wat aan doen - EenVandaag

Water and green energy produced by a single device

Waarom kan de zeespiegel ook dalen wanneer ijskappen smelten? (1/5)

Beschikbaarheid van zoet water in Europa — Europees Milieuagentschap

Ethiopia's massive new dam could cut Egypt off from River Nile

Could biofuel for planes be grown in desert?


Groundwater resilience to climate change in Africa | Quantitative groundwater maps for Africa | British Geological Survey (BGS)

The African water companies serving the poorest and staying afloat | Global Development Professionals Network | The Guardian

'Huge' water resource exists under Africa - BBC News

Ecosysteem - Wikipedia


Water management | Topic | Government.nl

Investeringbank moet investeringen stimuleren - Nieuws.nl

NL Next Level - visie van VNO-NCW, MKB-Nederland en LTO Nederland

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