


artikelen, opinie, informatie

No Borders – Revisited | IT

StukRoodVlees - Politicologie en actualiteit

Horkheimer Max Adorno Theodor W Dialectic of Enlightenment Philosophical Fragments

Alexis de Tocqueville Democracy in America (PDF)

Martin Sommer: ‘Tocqueville geeft inzicht in het onbehagen van de mens’

The Righteous Mind | Why Good People are Divided by Politics and Religion

"Virtue or Will” Two Notions of Freedom in the Concept of Arendtian Politics | Rosenmüller |

Michel Foucault en de neoliberale verleiding - deFusie

Michel Foucault, De woorden en de dingen | Humanistische Canon

Bruno Bauer (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

Aristotle Politics

Mill's Moral and Political Philosophy (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

Charles Taylor The Ethics of Authenticity

Taylor: Chapter 7 (Atomism)

Robert Nozick

Deconstructed Podcast: Meet the Senator Trying to End U.S. Support for the War in Yemen

Waarom links én rechts in de ban zijn van Antonio Gramsci

Israeli Arabs and Jews Drive Past Another Turning Point

How Matteo Salvini pulled Italy to the far right | News | The Guardian

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